TEN’s Organism

[the body]


[crossroads archive]

How to get Involved

[fugitive assemblage]


[translocal calendar]


[translocal calendar]

Let’s meet!

There is a lot going on in the world. We cannot do it all. Not to mention: the times are urgent… we must slow down. That being said, we would still like you to know about some of the electrifying, worlds-worlding, side-eye-glancing, upside-down and inside-out events and occurrences that ten is hosting, supporting or uplifting.

Fugitive Futures Summit

Fugitive Futures Summit

{ten Kinship Event}

ReCulture Media
WHEN: Wednesday, January 29th – Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
WHERE: Online everywhere

Fugitive Futures is a 5-day transformational journey designed to challenge the prevailing meta-cultural narratives that bind us, bringing together visionary thought leaders and cultural revivalists to explore a way of becoming unmoored, unmade, and alive to new possibilities. The online gathering will hold space to stay present with the discomfort of endings — not just of lives but of cultural paradigms — while daring to imagine new beginnings born from our grief, praise, and wonder.

Learn more and register here: https://thevillageoflovers.com/summit

Os Tempos São Urgentes, Vamos Desacelerar

Os Tempos São Urgentes, Vamos Desacelerar

{Báyò event}

WHEN: Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 | 5:30am – 8:00pm BRT
WHERE: Rua Visconde de Carandaí, 20 | Jardim Botânico | Rio de Janeiro | Brasil

A CASA20 apresenta um encontro exclusivo com o filósofo, ativista e escritor nigeriano Bayo Akomolafe. Reconhecido por sua visão única sobre justiça social, cultura, ecologia e espiritualidade, Bayo nos convida a refletir sobre a autonomia e a responsabilidade humana, inspirando-nos a imaginar um futuro regenerativo, de mais conexão, cuidado e harmonia. Uma experiência imperdível para quem deseja ampliar seu repertório de atuação no mundo.

Saiba mais e adquira ingressos aqui. Vagas limitadas a 30 pessoas.

The Flow of Care

The Flow of Care

{ten public event}


WHO: ten & Rooted Global Village
WHEN: NEW DATE! Wednesday, March 5th | 11:00am – 1:00pm EST
WHERE: Online everywhere

Join us for The Flow of Care: A Paraphilanthropy Experiment. This online gathering and practice space offers an opportunity to discover and learn more about ten’s partners at Rooted Global Village (Rooted) — a vibrant communal initiative experimenting with relational care and connection across division. During the encounter, we’ll  play with Báyò Akómoláfé’s recent ideas related to money and philanthropy, using Rooted as a playground for exploration. In this session, we’ll explore a new framework for consideration: paraphilanthropy — a paradigm in which money is experienced as a dynamic force, one which may not be as productive as we think.

Register here and watch a video invite from Báyò Akómoláfé here.

Smoke & Mirrors: Undefining Perceptual Reality

Smoke & Mirrors: Undefining Perceptual Reality

{ten Kinship Event}

School of Liminal Arts
WHEN: Friday, February 21 – Wednesday, February 26, 2025
WHERE: Santa Fe | New Mexico | U.S.A.

Smoke & Mirrors is a courageous body of work that extends beyond personal transformation and initiates participants to move through personal transmutation and into intrapersonal transfiguration. In our unfurling, we move off the map and wind our way through the Hall of Mirrors – piercing through illusion, releasing fixation, dropping masks, moving into and with the Void, finding camaraderie with the undefinable, the more than human, revealing, releasing, rebuilding without walls.

Learn more and register here: https://www.schoolofliminalarts.com/smoke-mirrors

SELAH:  An Awkward Grace

SELAH: An Awkward Grace

{Báyò event}

WHO: Garrison Institute
WHEN: February 25 – March 22, 2025 (online course) | March 29 – April 1, 2025
(in-person retreat)
WHERE: Garrison Institute | 14 Mary’s Way | Route 9D |Garrison | New York | U.S.A

In collaboration with Dr. Báyò Akómoláfé / Dancing with Mountains and Ayin Press, the Garrison Institute is offering a short course exploration, and an in-person retreat called ‘Selah’. Selah is a series of retreats crafted around Dr.Akómoláfé’s thesis that contemporary times call for something more than healing, justice, resolution, or solution. The core invitation of Selah is to make art together, to test the limits of normal perception, to interrogate the peri-feral where representation fails to carry its weight, and to amplify desirous lines and minor gestures that are alive as potentials in the air. 

Learn more and save-the-date here.

Becoming Unsettled: Why White Virtue Will Not Save Us

Becoming Unsettled: Why White Virtue Will Not Save Us

{Báyò event}

Schumacher Center for New Economics
WHEN: Thursday, March 6th, 2025 | 11:00am – 1:00pm EST
WHERE: Online everywhere

White virtue, a highly valuable commodity, is leaping off the shelves like indulgences in medieval times, soothing the guilt of whiteness! But will it save us? Will it help to have more good white people? Will it change the shape of whiteness if more white folk “did their research”? In conversation, Báyò Akómoláfé & Erin Manning propose that white virtue is a function of white settlement, & that this virtue will not assuage white guilt because it operates by justification, by lending itself as value within familiar moral boundaries.

Learn more and register here.