Herein lies something more than a library, more than a crisp, curated list of articles, videos and resources at the mercy of some Dewey Decimal System. These pieces – whether academic, experimental, creative, popular, or some bizarre combination of all of these – are in active conversation with one another in iterative, fumbling, ever-unfolding processes of attempting (and frequently failing) to understand what we mean by postactivism.
Ideas ooze and spill onto each other, undermining the possibility of arriving at clear definitions, pristine boundaries or universal understandings. This soggy cardboard box of ideas has plenty of room for paradox and contradiction, generative (and even not-so-generative) tensions; the images, ideas, myths and cosmovisions shared here are not meant to represent a coherent body of work. You might, instead, find shapeshifting forms and organisms, mystifying dead-ends and koans, seemingly useless appendages sticking out in every direction.
This is an entangled, mycelial network of resources stretching out in multiple directions at once; they may grow into and create alchemy with one another in syncopated and synchronistic ways. The ten Crossroads Archive includes seminal writings and talks from Báyò Akómoláfé, ten’s Visionary Founder; a gallery of past ten projects and some of their strange harvests; as well as articles, videos, podcasts and images we’ve unearthed from different thinkers and practitioners around the world, which offer their own gestures toward postactivism.