TEN’s Organism

[the body]


[crossroads archive]

How to get Involved

[fugitive assemblage]


[translocal calendar]

Rhythmic Call

[invitation for experimental postactivist projects]

Every year, ten invites potential stewards of postactivist project pods to develop proposals for experimental translocal experiments. Some individuals and collectives may be invited directly to participate in these seasonal calls and others might apply via the ten website or commonwealth of bewilderment.


​These are smaller groups | artistic endeavors | residencies | experiments | community-based explorations | translocal or local experiences.

The ten Core Team drafts the criteria and plants the seeds for each open Rhythmic Call. This group – with the support of ten Visionary Council & Advisory Board members, and other allies – designs and implements the process for application and selection, and offers mentoring, administrative, and creative support to the pods, as required.

These semi-autonomous project pods document their journeys in alignment with an ethos of open source research into transparently mapping creative, submergent and emergent processes and decentralized digital organizing. At the end of the project cycle, each pod shares the harvests of their experiment back to the ten ecosystem in some way. Some of these offerings may germinate into more public offerings in the form of carnivals, courses, events or gatherings.

While the stewards of ten have electrifying aspirations for this line of inquiry and exploration, we are just beginning the process of seeking funding to get this initiative off the ground (or burrow under the ground). We hope to raise at least $90,000USD in 2024 to support social artists interested in postactivism to form these semi-autonomous pods of research, practice and collaboration. If you know of any funders we should be exploring, let us know or make a donation to ten. We are currently poking and prodding at a few ideas for translocal collaborations that do not require monetary support at this time. We’ll be sure to let you know when the first smoke signals go up for the 2025 Rhythmic Call. Sign up for our newsletter to keep abreast of the unfoldings: