Accomplices and Allies
Meet some of the other organims we enjoy playing with:
Advaya is a global platform for transformative education that sits at the intersection of ecology, wellbeing, and community. Their events, online courses and media platform link inner transformation with outer change, weaving stories of beautiful transformation, resistance and renewal.
There is an emerging knowledge movement that is slowly building all over the world, though it often goes unnoticed by the media and most formal education systems. A part of this movement can be described as a network of ‘eco-versities’—people, organizations and communities who are reclaiming knowledge systems and a cultural imaginary to restore and re-envision learning processes that are meaningful and relevant to the challenges of our times. Although diverse in its origins, these different pedagogical initiatives both critique the existing education systems, and cultivate new practices to regenerate ecological, social and cultural ecosystems, whilst also reflecting on the meanings of ‘home’ as locality and as an ‘economy’: hence the name ‘eco-versities’.
For the Wild
The For the Wild podcast is focused on land-based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling rooted in a paradigm shift away from human supremacy, endless growth and consumerism. They call themselves an anthology of the anthropocene.
Global Tapestry of Alternatives
The Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA) is an initiative seeking to create solidarity networks and strategic alliances amongst all these alternatives on local, regional and global levels. It locates itself in or helps initiate interactions among alternatives. It operates through varied and light structures – defined in each space – that are horizontal, democratic, inclusive and non-centralized, using diverse local languages and other ways of communicating. The initiative has no central structure or control mechanisms. They have a series of online talks about interesting post-colonial talks with cool speakers.
Rooted Global Village
Rooted is an un/learning initiative dedicated to personal and collective transformation, and inspiring embodied ways of knowing and being in relationship. They’re shifting the lens from trauma to liberation – devoted to what liberates life energy, what sparks creativity, what lights imagination, and what renews and nourishes our connection and belonging in an inherently interconnected world.
Science & Nonduality (SAND)
Science and Nonduality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. The community comes together in an open-hearted exploration while celebrating our humanity. SAND honors and nurtures the exploration and experience of nonduality as a pathway to greater wisdom and well-being in the context of the unique challenges of the 21st century.
Shikshantar, a Jeevan Andolan (life movement) was founded to challenge the culture of schooling and institutions of thought-control. Today factory schooling and literacy programs are suppressing many diverse forms of human learning and expression, as well as much needed organic processes towards just and harmonious social regeneration. Schooling is the crisis.
Swaraj University is an exciting, radical reimagination of higher education – a series of grounded un/learning practices and communal resuscitation projects taking place in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. It was designed and birthed in 2010 as a two year learning programme for youth. The vision of this program is to nurture the heart’s calling of young people with an understanding of how their actions/choices are interconnected and impacting all our communities and nature.
The Guild of Future Architects
The mission of the GoFA organism is to work together to raise humanity’s collective consciousness for radical transformation; give birth to more diverse and sophisticated organizing forces; and usher in a new era of equitable societies bound by shared values. The Guild of Future Architects (GoFA) is a home, refuge and resource for people collaboratively shaping more just, prosperous and beautiful realities. This emergent community of future architects is committed to co-creating approaches to systems design that not only mitigate the damages of current failures, but optimize our potential in balance with nature.
We Will Dance with Mountains
We Will Dance with Mountains is a theoretical-practical exploration of postactivism and a carnival of departure in teaching, in creating together, in leaning into the exquisite, in texturing exile, in re-membering with the places that hold us, in making sanctuary. Thousands of people from across the world, with different cosmovisions and persuasions, come together for this experience to lean into the cracks, to try new moves, to revisit the ordinary, to stray generously from the assured. The course is sensing into a compelling need for new orientations, and a more robust and sensuous politics of responsiv-ity – one that is inspired by traditions and insights that present a fugitive break from the usual. The aim of the course is not to help people “get it” or arrive at a fixed consensus; the aim is not even to find solutions to our problems. The unique invitation of this festival is to compose a celebratory trans-local politics of going invisible, a postnationalist/posthuman aesthetic of meeting the world differently, a falling-apart-together, a coming alive in another way.
Únashay is a grief sanctuary on the red earth of Tewa lands that offers land-based and mobile presence, space and creation for the grieving, whilst forging a new emergent culture for grief in all its many forms. It is a living experiment, born of the disturbance of living in a world that doesn’t know how to be with what is breaking, when everything is breaking. In a culture where presence and support for the grieving is painfully out of reach ⎯ we want to explore this abandoned territory by building reachable sanctuary for the grieving, where the gesture we hold is to court rather than “fix” what hurts; to listen, and travel with the Rio Abaja Rio “river beneath the river”, through the arts, land-based offerings, and trans-species communal care.