TEN’s Organism

[the body]


[crossroads archive]

How to get Involved

[fugitive assemblage]


[translocal calendar]


[ten artifacts]

Reflections from ten curator Suélen Brito from her experience working on Rolê Holi – a project of (re)connection in the search to break the artistic barriers imposed by the Brazilian colonialist system and to research the cultural expressions and traditional knowledge in the slums of Brazil.

Rolê-Holi Project Description

Rolê-Holi Project Description

Rolê-Holi [ten artifacts] Reflections from ten curator Suélen Brito from her experience working on Rolê Holi – a project of (re)connection in the search to break the artistic barriers imposed by the Brazilian colonialist system and to research the cultural expressions...

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Folia de Reis: Festival of Kings

Folia de Reis: Festival of Kings

Rolê-Holi [ten artifacts] Reflections from ten curator Suélen Brito from her experience working on Rolê Holi – a project of (re)connection in the search to break the artistic barriers imposed by the Brazilian colonialist system and to research the cultural expressions...

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Bate-bolas: Thunder Messengers

Bate-bolas: Thunder Messengers

Rolê-Holi [ten artifacts] Reflections from ten curator Suélen Brito from her experience working on Rolê Holi – a project of (re)connection in the search to break the artistic barriers imposed by the Brazilian colonialist system and to research the cultural expressions...

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